DA #107 Alumni Association, Inc.


Legal - Bylaws


Douglas Anderson High School #107Alumni Association, Inc.



                                                                                 ARTICLE  I : NAME


 The name of this association shall be Douglas Anderson School #107 Alumni Association, Inc. (herein referred to as “The Alumni Association”).   

                                                                              ARTICLE  II :  PURPOSE            

 To promote membership that is open to former students who attended or graduated from Southside School # 107 and Douglas   Anderson Elementary, Jr. and Sr. High School # 107.


  • To continue to promote an awareness of the legacy of the merging institutions that established its beginning in 1922.
  • To encourage alumnus to become actively involved with the Douglas Anderson School #107 Alumni Association, Inc. in promoting educational excellence, prominence and economic stability of  families, students and patrons that are thereby served.
  • To assist Douglas Anderson School of The Arts with identification of needs and resolutions for any community concerns or issues presented to The Alumni Association that would require their involvement  and support..
  • To initiate a plan of action  at Spring Park Elementary, Pine Forest Elementary School of The Arts  and Jacksonville Beach Elementary by offering tutorial assistance and other interventions  for students in  need of academic improvement, through the development  of a mentoring initiative at these schools.
  • To provide and award scholarships to qualifying high school seniors.
  • To support annual events, including the Grand Reunion and other activities that will foster historical awareness of Douglas Anderson School #107.



                                                                              ARTICLE III:  MEMBERSHIP and DUES

 Membership eligibility is open to any individual who has attended or graduated from Southside School # 107 and Douglas Anderson Elementary, Jr., Sr. High School.

Annual Dues:  The fee for annual dues shall be $15.00 per year or $100.00 for a lifetime membership (unless changed by a majority vote from the existing members of the Executive Board.)  Continual membership is contingent upon being current with membership dues.  Annual Dues are due no later than the last day of the month of January each year.  Dues are used for the general operation of The Alumni Association and for awarding scholarship

 Resignation and Termination:   Any officer may resign by submitting a written letter of resignation that is sent to the president and a copy to the secretary.  Resignation shall not relieve a member of unpaid dues, or other charges previously accrued during his membership in The Association.  Members not in good financial standing are not eligible to vote (dues unpaid and not current).



                                                                 ARTICLE  IV :  Executive Board Members

 The Executive Board shall consist of up to twenty members to include the officers and representation from each of the D.A. classes.

  • The Board is responsible for the overall policy making and direction of The Alumni Association.  The Board members receive no compensation with the exception of pre-approved expenses accrued from purchases that are presented with a receipt.      
  • All Board Members shall serve at least one year, but are eligible for re-election or appointment for up to two consecutive years.
  • The Board shall meet at least once quarterly at an agreed upon time and place, which will be communicated by the president.
  • Special meetings may be called by the president  or a majority of The Board.
  • A quorum consists of 5 members and that number should be present in order to conduct an official business meeting requiring a vote is to take place.

                                                                ARTICLE  V :  Duties of  Officers

 Officers and Duties:   There shall be 5 major officers, consisting of a president, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary and treasurer.  Their duties are as follows: 


  • The president shall preside over all meetings of The Alumni Association and shall be an Ex-Officio Member of all committees. He/She shall perform other duties as pertain to this office. In the event the president and vice-president are absent or out-of-town and an emergency situation arises requiring a meeting to occur, the president shall delegate another member of The Board to preside at the meeting in their absences.  In the event any officer is out of town, the president has the right to appoint someone in his/her stead at that meeting.
  • The vice president shall, in the absence of the president, perform all duties of the President and shall have all of the powers of and be subject to the restrictions upon the president. He/She shall perform such other duties, as from time to time, assigned by the president and/or The Executive Board.
  • The recording secretary shall be responsible for keeping complete and accurate records of all documentation pertaining to The Alumni Association, including the Agenda and minutes of all meetings and send out correspondences. A copy of the minutes shall be furnished to the president within ten (10) days of each meeting to enable the president to review all matters addressed at said meeting in order to prepare the Agenda for the next meeting. A copy of the minutes shall be emailed in advance or distributed at all Board meetings. The president shall exercise the right to have the minutes read, if  he chooses.
  • The financial secretary will record and collect all monies and turn over to the treasurer.  The financial secretary and the treasurer records of finances must balance at all times.
  • The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all monies from financial secretary, depositing all monies and pay all bills pertaining to The Association upon the authorization of the president. All expenditures pertaining to The Alumni Association shall require the signature of the treasurer and/or other authorized signer.  A treasurer’s report shall be prepared and distributed to all members of The Board at all Board Meetings. The treasurer will deposit all monies into the bank within twenty-four hours, unless collected on the weekend.       



                                                                    ARTICLE  VI : COMMITTEES


Committee Formation:  The president will appoint committees as needed.

Audit Committee:  This committee shall consist of members of the Douglas Anderson High School # 107 Alumni Association, Inc. as long as they are in good financial standing, excluding both the financial secretary and treasurer.

Scholarship Committee:  Deloris Johnson McMillon, Chairperson; Preston Oliver, Vice Chairman: Samuel Davis, Jr., Garrry Merritt, Flora Coleman, Marvin White, Alfredia Thompson Lyons, Leonard Baker.


                                                                    ARTICLE  VI I : Finance Funds


 Finance Funds:  In order to comply with IRS requirements and maintain a non-profit status, monies left in The Alumni Association’s account will be used primarily to support Douglas Anderson School of the Arts and Jacksonville Beach Elementary Preservation Society.

Financial records are to remain in the state of Florida and secured in The Alumni Association’s Archives.

The Association will maintain two financial accounts:  1. Primary account and 2. Scholarship  account.  


                                                               ARTICLE  VIII : Amendments (BYLAWS)

 The Executive Board of The Douglas Anderson High School Alumni Association, Inc. shall adopt  Bylaws not inconsistent with  the Articles of Incorporation for the conduct of the corporation’s business and the carrying out of its purposes. The bylaws may be amended or rescinded, in whole or part, from time to time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Executive Board present at a meeting, at which a quorum is present; provided that a seven (7) day notice in writing (e-mail acceptable) of the time, date, place, and purpose of such meeting shall be given to each Board Member.


                                                                ARTICLE  IX :  Roberts Rules of Order


The Roberts Rules of Order shall govern The Douglas Anderson High School # 107 Alumni Association, Inc., except where it conflicts with the Bylaws.